Source code for desdeo_mcdm.interactive.NIMBUS

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from desdeo_problem.Problem import MOProblem
from desdeo_tools.interaction.request import BaseRequest, SimplePlotRequest
from desdeo_tools.scalarization.ASF import AugmentedGuessASF, MaxOfTwoASF, PointMethodASF, SimpleASF, StomASF
from desdeo_tools.scalarization.Scalarizer import Scalarizer
from desdeo_tools.solver.ScalarSolver import ScalarMethod, ScalarMinimizer

from desdeo_mcdm.interactive.InteractiveMethod import InteractiveMethod
from desdeo_mcdm.utilities.solvers import payoff_table_method

[docs]class NimbusException(Exception): """Risen when an error related to NIMBUS is encountered. """ pass
[docs]class NimbusClassificationRequest(BaseRequest): """A request to handle the classification of objectives in the synchronous NIMBUS method. Args: method (NIMBUS): The instance of the NIMBUS method the request should be initialized for. ref (np.ndarray): Objective values used as a reference the decision maker is classifying the objectives. Attributes: self._valid_classifications (List[str]): The valid classifications. Defaults is ['<', '<=', '=', '>=', '0'] """ def __init__(self, method: NIMBUS, ref: np.ndarray): msg = ( "Please classify each of the objective values in one of the following categories:" "\n\t1. values should improve '<'" "\n\t2. values should improve until some desired aspiration level is reached '<='" "\n\t3. values with an acceptable level '='" "\n\t4. values which may be impaired until some upper bound is reached '>='" "\n\t5. values which are free to change '0'" "\nProvide the aspiration levels and upper bounds as a vector. For categories 1, 3, and 5," "the value in the vector at the objective's position is ignored. Suppy also the number of maximum" "solutions to be generated." ) self._method = method self._valid_classifications = ["<", "<=", "=", ">=", "0"] content = { "message": msg, "objective_values": ref, "classifications": [None], "levels": [None], "number_of_solutions": 1, } super().__init__("classification_preference", "required", content=content)
[docs] def validator(self, response: Dict) -> None: """Validates a dictionary containing the response of a decision maker. Should contain the keys 'classifications', 'levels', and 'number_of_solutions'. 'classifications' should be a list of strings, where the number of elements is equal to the number of objectives being classified, and the elements are found in `_valid_classifications`. 'levels' should have either aspiration levels or bounds for each objective depending on that objective's classification. 'number_of_solutions' should be an integer between 1 and 4 indicating the number of intermediate solutions to be computed. Args: response (Dict): See the documentation for `validator`. Raises: NimbusException: Some discrepancy is encountered in the parsing of the response. """ if "classifications" not in response: raise NimbusException("'classifications' entry missing.") if "levels" not in response: raise NimbusException("'levels' entry missing.") if "number_of_solutions" not in response: raise NimbusException("'number_of_solutions' entry missing.") # check the classifications is_valid_cls = map(lambda x: x in self._valid_classifications, response["classifications"],) if not all(list(is_valid_cls)): raise NimbusException(f"Invalid classificaiton found in {response['classifications']}") # check the levels if len(np.array(response["levels"]).squeeze()) != self._method._problem.n_of_objectives: raise NimbusException(f"Wrong number of levels supplied in {response['levels']}") improve_until_inds = np.where(np.array(response["classifications"]) == "<=")[0] impaire_until_inds = np.where(np.array(response["classifications"]) == ">=")[0] if len(improve_until_inds) > 0: # some objectives classified to be improved until some level if not np.all( np.array(response["levels"])[improve_until_inds] >= self._method._ideal[improve_until_inds] ) or not np.all( np.array(response["levels"])[improve_until_inds] <= self._method._nadir[improve_until_inds] ): raise NimbusException("Given levels must be between the nadir and ideal points!") if len(impaire_until_inds) > 0: # some objectives classified to be improved until some level if not np.all( np.array(response["levels"])[impaire_until_inds] >= self._method._ideal[impaire_until_inds] ) or not np.all( np.array(response["levels"])[impaire_until_inds] <= self._method._nadir[impaire_until_inds] ): raise NimbusException("Given levels must be between the nadir and ideal points!") # check maximum number of solutions if response["number_of_solutions"] > 4 or response["number_of_solutions"] < 1: raise NimbusException("The number of solutions must be between 1 and 4.")
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict): self.validator(response) self._response = response
[docs]class NimbusSaveRequest(BaseRequest): """A request to handle archiving of the solutions computed with NIMBUS. Args: solution_vectors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of numpy arrays each representing a decision variable vector. objective_vectors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of numpy arrays each representing an objective vector. Note: The objective vector at position 'i' in `objective_vectors` should correspond to the decision variables at position 'i' in `solution_vectors`. """ def __init__( self, solution_vectors: List[np.ndarray], objective_vectors: List[np.ndarray], ): msg = ( "Please specify which solutions shown you would like to save for later viewing. Supply the " "indices of such solutions as a list, or supply an empty list if none of the shown soulutions " "should be saved." ) content = { "message": msg, "solutions": solution_vectors, "objectives": objective_vectors, "indices": [], } super().__init__("classification_preference", "required", content=content)
[docs] def validator(self, response: Dict) -> None: """Validates a response dictionary. The dictionary should contain the keys 'indices'. 'indices' should be a list of integers representing an index to the lists `solutions_vectors` and `objective_vectors`. Args: response (Dict): See the documentation for `validator`. Raises: NimbusException: Some discrepancy is encountered in the parsing of `response`. """ if "indices" not in response: raise NimbusException("'indices' entry missing") if not response["indices"]: # nothing to save, continue to next state return if len(response["indices"]) > len(self.content["objectives"]) or np.min(response["indices"]) < 0: # wrong number of indices raise NimbusException(f"Invalid indices {response['indices']}") if np.max(response["indices"]) >= len(self.content["objectives"]) or np.min(response["indices"]) < 0: # out of bounds index raise NimbusException(f"Incides {response['indices']} out of bounds.")
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict): self.validator(response) self._response = response
[docs]class NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest(BaseRequest): """A request to handle the computation of intermediate points between two previously computed points. Args: solution_vectors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of numpy arrays each representing a decision variable vector. objective_vectors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of numpy arrays each representing an objective vector. Note: The objective vector at position 'i' in `objective_vectors` should correspond to the decision variables at position 'i' in `solution_vectors`. Only the two first entries in each of the lists is relevant. The rest is ignored. """ def __init__( self, solution_vectors: List[np.ndarray], objective_vectors: List[np.ndarray], ): msg = ( "Would you like to see intermediate solutions between two previusly computed solutions? " "If so, please supply two indices corresponding to the solutions." ) content = { "message": msg, "solutions": solution_vectors, "objectives": objective_vectors, "indices": [], "number_of_desired_solutions": 0, } super().__init__("classification_preference", "required", content=content)
[docs] def validator(self, response: Dict): """Validates a response dictionary. The dictionary should contain the keys 'indices' and 'number_of_solutions'. 'indices' should be a list of integers representing an index to the lists `solutions_vectors` and `objective_vectors`. 'number_of_solutions' should be an integer greater or equal to 1. Args: response (Dict): See the documentation for `validator`. Raises: NimbusException: Some discrepancy is encountered in the parsing of `response`. """ if "indices" not in response: raise NimbusException("'indices' entry missing.") if "number_of_desired_solutions" not in response: raise NimbusException("'number_of_desired_solutions' entry missing.") if response["number_of_desired_solutions"] < 0: raise NimbusException(f"Invalid number of desired solutions {response['number_of_desired_solutions']}.") if not response["indices"] and response["number_of_desired_solutions"] > 0: raise NimbusException("Indices supplied yet number of desired soutions is greater than zero.") if response["indices"] and response["number_of_desired_solutions"] == 0: raise NimbusException("Indices not supplied yet number of desired soutions is zero.") if not response["indices"]: return if np.max(response["indices"]) >= len(self.content["objectives"]) or np.min(response["indices"]) < 0: # indices out of bounds raise NimbusException(f"Invalid indices {response['indices']}")
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict): self.validator(response) self._response = response
[docs]class NimbusMostPreferredRequest(BaseRequest): """A request to handle the indication of a preferred point. Args: solution_vectors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of numpy arrays each representing a decision variable vector. objective_vectors (List[np.ndarray]): A list of numpy arrays each representing an objective vector. Note: The objective vector at position 'i' in `objective_vectors` should correspond to the decision variables at position 'i' in `solution_vectors`. Only the two first entries in each of the lists is relevant. The preferred solution will be selected from `objective_vectors`. """ def __init__( self, solution_vectors: List[np.ndarray], objective_vectors: List[np.ndarray], ): msg = "Please select your most preferred solution and whether you would like to continue. " content = { "message": msg, "solutions": solution_vectors, "objectives": objective_vectors, "index": -1, "continue": True, } super().__init__("classification_preference", "required", content=content)
[docs] def validator(self, response: Dict): """Validates a response dictionary. The dictionary should contain the keys 'index' and 'continue'. 'index' is an integer and should indicate the index of the preferred solution is `objective_vectors`. 'continue' is a boolean and indicates whether to stop or continue the iteration of Synchronous NIMBUS. Args: response (Dict): See the documentation for `validator`. Raises: NimbusException: Some discrepancy is encountered in the parsing of `response`. """ if "index" not in response: raise NimbusException(f"'index' entry missing.") if "continue" not in response: raise NimbusException(f"'continue' entry missing.") if not type(response["index"]) == int: raise NimbusException(f"The index must be a single integer, found {response['index']}") if not type(response["continue"]) == bool: raise NimbusException(f"Continue must be a boolean value, found {response['index']}") if not (response["index"] >= 0 and response["index"] < len(self.content["objectives"])): raise NimbusException( ( f"The index must be a positive integer less than " f"{len(self.content['objectives'])}, found {response['index']}." ) )
@BaseRequest.response.setter def response(self, response: Dict): self.validator(response) self._response = response
[docs]class NimbusStopRequest(BaseRequest): """A request to handle the termination of Synchronous NIMBUS. Args: solutions_final (np.ndarray): A numpy array containing the final decision variable values. objective_final (np.ndarray): A numpy array containing the final objective variables which correspond to `solution_final`. Note: This request expects no response. """ def __init__( self, solution_final: np.ndarray, objective_final: np.ndarray, ): msg = "The final solution computed." content = { "message": msg, "solution": solution_final, "objective": objective_final, } super().__init__("classification_preference", "no_interaction", content=content)
[docs]class NIMBUS(InteractiveMethod): """Implements the synchronous NIMBUS algorithm. Args: problem (MOProblem): The problem to be solved. scalar_method (Optional[ScalarMethod], optional): The method used to solve the various ASF minimization problems present in the method. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, problem: MOProblem, scalar_method: Optional[ScalarMethod] = None): # check if ideal and nadir are defined if problem.ideal is None or problem.nadir is None: # TODO: use same method as defined in scalar_method ideal, nadir = payoff_table_method(problem) self._ideal = ideal self._nadir = nadir else: self._ideal = problem.ideal self._nadir = problem.nadir self._scalar_method = scalar_method # generate Pareto optimal starting point asf = SimpleASF(np.ones(self._ideal.shape)) scalarizer = Scalarizer( lambda x: problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": np.atleast_2d(self._ideal)}, ) if problem.n_of_constraints > 0: _con_eval = lambda x: problem.evaluate(x).constraints.squeeze() else: _con_eval = None solver = ScalarMinimizer( scalarizer, problem.get_variable_bounds(), constraint_evaluator=_con_eval, method=self._scalar_method, ) # TODO: fix tools to check for scipy methods in general and delete me! solver._use_scipy = True res = solver.minimize(problem.get_variable_upper_bounds() / 2) if res["success"]: self._current_solution = res["x"] self._current_objectives = problem.evaluate(self._current_solution).objectives.squeeze() self._archive_solutions = [] self._archive_objectives = [] self._state = "classify" super().__init__(problem)
[docs] def start(self) -> Tuple[NimbusClassificationRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Return the first request to start iterating NIMBUS. Returns: Tuple[NimbusClassificationRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: The first request and and a plot request to visualize relevant data. """ return self.request_classification()
[docs] def request_classification(self,) -> Tuple[NimbusClassificationRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: return ( NimbusClassificationRequest(self, self._current_objectives.squeeze()), None, )
[docs] def create_plot_request(self, objectives: np.ndarray, msg: str) -> SimplePlotRequest: """Used to create a plot request for visualizing objective values. Args: objectives (np.ndarray): A 2D numpy array containing objective vectors to be visualized. msg (str): A message to be displayed in the context of a visualization. Returns: SimplePlotRequest: A plot request to create a visualization. """ dimensions_data = pd.DataFrame( index=["minimize", "ideal", "nadir"], columns=self._problem.get_objective_names(), ) dimensions_data.loc["minimize"] = self._problem._max_multiplier dimensions_data.loc["ideal"] = self._ideal dimensions_data.loc["nadir"] = self._nadir data = pd.DataFrame(objectives, columns=self._problem.get_objective_names()) plot_request = SimplePlotRequest(data=data, dimensions_data=dimensions_data, message=msg,) return plot_request
[docs] def handle_classification_request( self, request: NimbusClassificationRequest ) -> Tuple[NimbusSaveRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Handles a classification request. Args: request (NimbusClassificationReuest): A classification request with the response attribute set. Returns: Tuple[NimbusSaveRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: A NIMBUS save request and a plot request with the solutions the decision maker can choose from to save for alter use. """ improve_inds = np.where(np.array(request.response["classifications"]) == "<")[0] acceptable_inds = np.where(np.array(request.response["classifications"]) == "=")[0] free_inds = np.where(np.array(request.response["classifications"]) == "0")[0] improve_until_inds = np.where(np.array(request.response["classifications"]) == "<=")[0] impaire_until_inds = np.where(np.array(request.response["classifications"]) == ">=")[0] # calculate the new solutions return self.calculate_new_solutions( int(request.response["number_of_solutions"]), np.array(request.response["levels"]), improve_inds, improve_until_inds, acceptable_inds, impaire_until_inds, free_inds, )
[docs] def handle_save_request( self, request: NimbusSaveRequest ) -> Tuple[NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Handles a save request. Args: request (NimbusSaveRequest): A save request with the response attribute set. Returns: Tuple[NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: Return an intermediate solution request where the decision maker can specify whether they would like to see intermediate solution between two previously computed solutions. The plot request has the available solutions. """ return self.save_solutions_to_archive( np.array(request.content["objectives"]), np.array(request.content["solutions"]), np.array(request.response["indices"]), )
[docs] def handle_intermediate_solutions_request( self, request: NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest ) -> Tuple[ Union[NimbusSaveRequest, NimbusMostPreferredRequest], SimplePlotRequest, ]: """Handles an intermediate solutions request. Args: request (NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest): A NIMBUS intermediate solutions request with the response attribute set. Returns: Tuple[Union[NimbusSaveRequest, NimbusMostPreferredRequest], SimplePlotRequest,]: Return either a save request or a preferred solution request. The former is returned if the decision maker wishes to see intermediate points, the latter otherwise. Also a plot request is returned with the solutions available in it. """ if request.response["indices"]: return self.compute_intermediate_solutions( np.array(request.content["solutions"])[request.response["indices"]], int(request.response["number_of_desired_solutions"]), ) return self.request_most_preferred_solution( np.array(request.content["solutions"]), np.array(request.content["objectives"]), )
[docs] def handle_most_preferred_request( self, request: NimbusMostPreferredRequest ) -> Tuple[Union[NimbusClassificationRequest, NimbusStopRequest], SimplePlotRequest]: """Handles a preferres solution request. Args: request (NimbusMostPreferredRequest): A NIMBUS preferred solution request with the response attribute set. Returns: Tuple[Union[NimbusClassificationRequest, NimbusStopRequest], SimplePlotRequest]: Return a classificaiton request if the decision maker wishes to continue. If the decision maker wishes to stop, return a stop request. Also return a plot request with all the solutions saved so far. """ self.update_current_solution( np.array(request.content["solutions"]), np.array(request.content["objectives"]), np.array(request.response["index"]), ) if not request.response["continue"]: return self.request_stop() else: return self.request_classification()
[docs] def request_stop(self) -> Tuple[NimbusStopRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Create a NimbusStopRequest based on self. Returns: Tuple[NimbusStopRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: A stop request and a plot request with the final solution chosen in it. """ request = NimbusStopRequest(self._current_solution, self._current_objectives) msg = "Final solution reached" plot_request = self.create_plot_request(np.atleast_2d(self._current_objectives), msg) return request, plot_request
[docs] def request_most_preferred_solution( self, solutions: np.ndarray, objectives: np.ndarray ) -> Tuple[NimbusMostPreferredRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Create a NimbusMostPreferredRequest. Args: solutions (np.ndarray): A 2D numpy array of decision variable vectors. objectives (np.ndarray): A 2D numpy array of objective value vectors. Returns: Tuple[NimbusMostPreferredRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: The requests based on the given arguments. Note: The 'i'th decision variable vector in `solutions` should correspond to the 'i'th objective value vector in `objectives`. """ # request most preferred solution request = NimbusMostPreferredRequest(list(solutions), list(objectives)) msg = "Computed solutions" plot_request = self.create_plot_request(objectives, msg) return request, plot_request
[docs] def compute_intermediate_solutions( self, solutions: np.ndarray, n_desired: int, ) -> Tuple[NimbusSaveRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Computs intermediate solution between two solutions computed earlier. Args: solutions (np.ndarray): The solutions between which the intermediat solutions should be computed. n_desired (int): The number of intermediate solutions desired. Raises: NimbusException Returns: Tuple[NimbusSaveRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: A save request with the compured intermediate points, and a plot request to visualize said points. """ # vector between the two solutions between = solutions[0] - solutions[1] norm = np.linalg.norm(between) between_norm = between / norm # the plus 2 assumes we are interested only in n_desired points BETWEEN the # two supplied solutions step_size = norm / (2 + n_desired) intermediate_points = np.array([solutions[1] + i * step_size * between_norm for i in range(1, n_desired + 1)]) # project each of the intermediate solutions to the Pareto front intermediate_solutions = np.zeros(intermediate_points.shape) intermediate_objectives = np.zeros((n_desired, self._problem.n_of_objectives)) asf = PointMethodASF(self._nadir, self._ideal) for i in range(n_desired): scalarizer = Scalarizer( lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": self._problem.evaluate(intermediate_points[i]).objectives}, ) if self._problem.n_of_constraints > 0: cons = lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).constraints.squeeze() else: cons = None solver = ScalarMinimizer(scalarizer, self._problem.get_variable_bounds(), cons, method=self._scalar_method,) res = solver.minimize(self._current_solution) intermediate_solutions[i] = res["x"] intermediate_objectives[i] = self._problem.evaluate(res["x"]).objectives # create appropiate requests save_request = NimbusSaveRequest(list(intermediate_solutions), list(intermediate_objectives)) msg = "Computed intermediate solutions" plot_request = self.create_plot_request(intermediate_objectives, msg) return save_request, plot_request
[docs] def save_solutions_to_archive( self, objectives: np.ndarray, decision_variables: np.ndarray, indices: List[int], ) -> Tuple[NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest, None]: """Save solutions to the archive. Saves also the corresponding objective function values. Args: objectives (np.ndarray): Available objectives. decision_variables (np.ndarray): Available solutions. indices (List[int]): Indices of the solutions to be saved. Returns: Tuple[NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest, None]: An intermediate solutions request asking the decision maker whether they would like to generate intermediata solutions between two existing solutions. Also returns a plot request to visualize the available solutions between which the intermediate solutions should be computed. """ mask = np.ones(objectives.shape[0], dtype=bool) if len(indices) > 0: self._archive_objectives.extend(list(objectives[indices])) self._archive_solutions.extend(list(decision_variables[indices])) mask[indices] = False req_objectives = self._archive_objectives + list(objectives[mask]) req_solutions = self._archive_solutions + list(decision_variables[mask]) # create intermediate solutions request request = NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest(req_solutions, req_objectives) msg = "Computed new solutions" plot_request = self.create_plot_request(req_objectives, msg) return request, plot_request
[docs] def calculate_new_solutions( self, number_of_solutions: int, levels: np.ndarray, improve_inds: np.ndarray, improve_until_inds: np.ndarray, acceptable_inds: np.ndarray, impaire_until_inds: np.ndarray, free_inds: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[NimbusSaveRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: """Calcualtes new solutions based on classifications supplied by the decision maker by solving ASF problems. Args: number_of_solutions (int): Number of solutions, should be between 1 and 4. levels (np.ndarray): Aspiration and upper bounds relevant to the some of the classifications. improve_inds (np.ndarray): Indices corresponding to the objectives which should be improved. improve_until_inds (np.ndarray): Like above, but improved until an aspiration level is reached. acceptable_inds (np.ndarray): Indices of objectives which are acceptable as they are now. impaire_until_inds (np.ndarray): Indices of objectives which may be impaired until an upper limit is reached. free_inds (np.ndarray): Indices of objectives which may change freely. Returns: Tuple[NimbusSaveRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: A save request with the newly computed soutions, and a plot request to visualize said solutions. """ results = [] # always computed asf_1 = MaxOfTwoASF(self._nadir, self._ideal, improve_inds, improve_until_inds) def cons_1( x: np.ndarray, f_current: np.ndarray = self._current_objectives, levels: np.ndarray = levels, improve_until_inds: np.ndarray = improve_until_inds, improve_inds: np.ndarray = improve_inds, impaire_until_inds: np.ndarray = impaire_until_inds, ): f = self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives.squeeze() res_1 = f_current[improve_inds] - f[improve_inds] res_2 = f_current[improve_until_inds] - f[improve_until_inds] res_3 = levels[impaire_until_inds] - f[impaire_until_inds] res = np.hstack((res_1, res_2, res_3)) if self._problem.n_of_constraints > 0: res_prob = self._problem.evaluate(x).constraints.squeeze() return np.hstack((res_prob, res)) else: return res scalarizer_1 = Scalarizer( lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf_1, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": levels}, ) solver_1 = ScalarMinimizer( scalarizer_1, self._problem.get_variable_bounds(), cons_1, method=self._scalar_method, ) res_1 = solver_1.minimize(self._current_solution) results.append(res_1) if number_of_solutions > 1: # create the reference point needed in the rest of the ASFs z_bar = np.zeros(self._problem.n_of_objectives) z_bar[improve_inds] = self._ideal[improve_inds] z_bar[improve_until_inds] = levels[improve_until_inds] z_bar[acceptable_inds] = self._current_objectives[acceptable_inds] z_bar[impaire_until_inds] = levels[impaire_until_inds] z_bar[free_inds] = self._nadir[free_inds] # second ASF asf_2 = StomASF(self._ideal) # cons_2 can be used in the rest of the ASF scalarizations, it's not a bug! if self._problem.n_of_constraints > 0: cons_2 = lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).constraints.squeeze() else: cons_2 = None scalarizer_2 = Scalarizer( lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf_2, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": z_bar}, ) solver_2 = ScalarMinimizer( scalarizer_2, self._problem.get_variable_bounds(), cons_2, method=self._scalar_method, ) res_2 = solver_2.minimize(self._current_solution) results.append(res_2) if number_of_solutions > 2: # asf 3 asf_3 = PointMethodASF(self._nadir, self._ideal) scalarizer_3 = Scalarizer( lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf_3, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": z_bar}, ) solver_3 = ScalarMinimizer( scalarizer_3, self._problem.get_variable_bounds(), cons_2, method=self._scalar_method, ) res_3 = solver_3.minimize(self._current_solution) results.append(res_3) if number_of_solutions > 3: # asf 4 asf_4 = AugmentedGuessASF(self._nadir, self._ideal, free_inds) scalarizer_4 = Scalarizer( lambda x: self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives, asf_4, scalarizer_args={"reference_point": z_bar}, ) solver_4 = ScalarMinimizer( scalarizer_4, self._problem.get_variable_bounds(), cons_2, method=self._scalar_method, ) res_4 = solver_4.minimize(self._current_solution) results.append(res_4) # create the save request solutions = [res["x"] for res in results] objectives = [self._problem.evaluate(x).objectives.squeeze() for x in solutions] save_request = NimbusSaveRequest(solutions, objectives) msg = "Computed new solutions." plot_request = self.create_plot_request(objectives, msg) return save_request, plot_request
[docs] def update_current_solution(self, solutions: np.ndarray, objectives: np.ndarray, index: int) -> None: """Update the state of self with a new current solution and the corresponding objective values. This solution is used in the classification phase of synchronous NIMBUS. Args: solutions (np.ndarray): A 2D numpy array of decision variable vectors. objectives (np.ndarray): A 2D numpy array of objective value vectors. index (int): The index of the solution in `solutions` and `objectives`. Returns: Tuple[NimbusMostPreferredRequest, SimplePlotRequest]: The requests based on the given arguments. Note: The 'i'th decision variable vector in `solutions` should correspond to the 'i'th objective value vector in `objectives`. """ self._current_solution = solutions[index].squeeze() self._current_objectives = objectives[index].squeeze() return None
[docs] def iterate( self, request: Union[ NimbusClassificationRequest, NimbusSaveRequest, NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest, NimbusMostPreferredRequest, NimbusStopRequest, ], ) -> Tuple[ Union[NimbusClassificationRequest, NimbusSaveRequest, NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest,], Union[SimplePlotRequest, None], ]: """Implements a finite state machine to iterate over the different steps defined in Synchronous NIMBUS based on a supllied request. Args: request (Union[NimbusClassificationRequest,NimbusSaveRequest,NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest,NimbusMostPreferredRequest,NimbusStopRequest,]): A request based on the next step in the NIMBUS algorithm is taken. Raises: NimbusException: If a wrong type of request is supllied based on the current state NIMBUS is in. Returns: Tuple[Union[NimbusClassificationRequest,NimbusSaveRequest,NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest,],Union[SimplePlotRequest, None],]: The next logically sound request. """ if self._state == "classify": if type(request) != NimbusClassificationRequest: raise NimbusException( f"Expected request type {type(NimbusClassificationRequest)}, was {type(request)}." ) requests = self.handle_classification_request(request) self._state = "archive" return requests elif self._state == "archive": if type(request) != NimbusSaveRequest: raise NimbusException(f"Expected request type {type(NimbusSaveRequest)}, was {type(request)}.") requests = self.handle_save_request(request) self._state = "intermediate" return requests elif self._state == "intermediate": if type(request) != NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest: raise NimbusException( f"Expected request type {type(NimbusIntermediateSolutionsRequest)}, was {type(request)}." ) requests = self.handle_intermediate_solutions_request(request) if type(requests[0]) == NimbusSaveRequest: self._state = "archive" elif type(requests[0]) == NimbusMostPreferredRequest: self._state = "preferred" return requests elif self._state == "preferred": if type(request) != NimbusMostPreferredRequest: raise NimbusException(f"Expected request type {type(NimbusMostPreferredRequest)}, was {type(request)}.") requests = self.handle_most_preferred_request(request) if type(requests[0]) == NimbusStopRequest: self._state = "end" elif type(requests[0]) == NimbusClassificationRequest: self._state = "classify" return requests elif self._state == "end": # end return request, None else: # unknown state error raise NimbusException(f"Unknown state '{self._state}' encountered.")
if __name__ == "__main__": """ from desdeo_problem.Objective import _ScalarObjective from desdeo_problem.Variable import variable_builder from desdeo_problem.Constraint import ScalarConstraint # create the problem def f_1(x): res = 4.07 + 2.27 * x[:, 0] return -res def f_2(x): res = 2.60 + 0.03 * x[:, 0] + 0.02 * x[:, 1] + 0.01 / (1.39 - x[:, 0] ** 2) + 0.30 / (1.39 - x[:, 1] ** 2) return -res def f_3(x): res = 8.21 - 0.71 / (1.09 - x[:, 0] ** 2) return -res def f_4(x): res = 0.96 - 0.96 / (1.09 - x[:, 1] ** 2) return -res def f_5(x): return np.max([np.abs(x[:, 0] - 0.65), np.abs(x[:, 1] - 0.65)], axis=0) def c_1(x, f=None): x = x.squeeze() return (x[0] + x[1]) - 0.5 f1 = _ScalarObjective(name="f1", evaluator=f_1) f2 = _ScalarObjective(name="f2", evaluator=f_2) f3 = _ScalarObjective(name="f3", evaluator=f_3) f4 = _ScalarObjective(name="f4", evaluator=f_4) f5 = _ScalarObjective(name="f5", evaluator=f_5) varsl = variable_builder( ["x_1", "x_2"], initial_values=[0.5, 0.5], lower_bounds=[0.3, 0.3], upper_bounds=[1.0, 1.0], ) c1 = ScalarConstraint("c1", 2, 5, evaluator=c_1) problem = MOProblem(variables=varsl, objectives=[f1, f2, f3, f4, f5], constraints=[c1]) method = NIMBUS(problem, scalar_method="scipy_de") reqs = method.request_classification()[0] response = {} response["classifications"] = ["<", "<=", "=", ">=", "0"] response["levels"] = [-6, -3, -5, 8, 0.349] response["number_of_solutions"] = 3 reqs.response = response res_1 = method.iterate(reqs)[0] res_1.response = {"indices": []} res_2 = method.iterate(res_1)[0] response = {} response["indices"] = [] response["number_of_desired_solutions"] = 0 res_2.response = response res_3 = method.iterate(res_2)[0] response_pref = {} response_pref["index"] = 1 response_pref["continue"] = True res_3.response = response_pref res_4 = method.iterate(res_3) """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from desdeo_problem.Variable import variable_builder from desdeo_problem.Objective import _ScalarObjective def f_1(xs: np.ndarray): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) xs_plusone = np.roll(xs, 1, axis=1) return np.sum(-10*np.exp(-0.2*np.sqrt(xs[:, :-1]**2 + xs_plusone[:, :-1]**2)), axis=1) def f_2(xs: np.ndarray): xs = np.atleast_2d(xs) return np.sum(np.abs(xs)**0.8 + 5*np.sin(xs**3), axis=1) varsl = variable_builder( ["x_1", "x_2", "x_3"], initial_values=[0, 0, 0], lower_bounds=[-5, -5, -5], upper_bounds=[5, 5, 5], ) f1 = _ScalarObjective(name="f1", evaluator=f_1) f2 = _ScalarObjective(name="f2", evaluator=f_2) #For AI_DM ranges are always defined as IDEAL, NADIR. f1_range = [-20, -14] f2_range = [-14, 0.5] x1 = np.linspace(min(f1_range), max(f1_range), 1000) x2 = np.linspace(min(f2_range), max(f2_range), 1000) y = np.linspace(0, 0, 1000) problem = MOProblem(variables=varsl, objectives=[f1, f2], ideal=np.array([-20, -12]), nadir=np.array([-14, 0.5])) from desdeo_mcdm.interactive.NIMBUS import NIMBUS from scipy.optimize import minimize, differential_evolution scalar_method = ScalarMethod(lambda x, _, **y: differential_evolution(x, **y), use_scipy=True, method_args={"polish": True, "disp": True}) method = NIMBUS(problem, scalar_method) classification_request, plot_request = method.start() # print(classification_request.content.keys()) # print(classification_request.content["message"]) print(classification_request.content["objective_values"]) #Ploting F1! plt.scatter(x1, y, label="Range") plt.scatter(-15, 0, label="P1", c='r') plt.scatter(-18, 0, label="P2", c='r') plt.scatter(classification_request.content["objective_values"][0], 0, label = "Present Position") plt.xlabel("Objective Function") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Objective Function F1") #Ploting F2! plt.scatter(x2, y, label="Range") plt.scatter(-6, 0, label="P1", c='r') plt.scatter(-9, 0, label="P2", c='r') plt.scatter(classification_request.content["objective_values"][1], 0, label = "Present Position") plt.xlabel("Objective Function") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Objective Function F2") response = {'classifications': ['<', '>='], 'levels': [0, -7.133133133133133], 'number_of_solutions': 1} classification_request.response = response save_request, plot_request = method.iterate(classification_request) print(save_request.content["objectives"]) print(save_request.content["solutions"]) #Ploting F1! plt.scatter(x1, y, label="Range") plt.scatter(-15, 0, label="P1", c='r') plt.scatter(-18, 0, label="P2", c='r') plt.scatter(save_request.content["objectives"][0][0], 0, label = "Present Position") plt.xlabel("Objective Function") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Objective Function F1") #Ploting F2! plt.scatter(x2, y, label="Range") plt.scatter(-6, 0, label="P1", c='r') plt.scatter(-9, 0, label="P2", c='r') plt.scatter(save_request.content["objectives"][0][1], 0, label = "Present Position") plt.xlabel("Objective Function") plt.ylabel("Value") plt.title("Objective Function F2")